
Creating Resin Art: A Beginner’s Guide to Materials and Tools


When you think of resin art, what comes to mind? probably something brightly colored and whimsical, right? But behind all those pretty pieces is a complex process that requires a lot of preparation and knowledge. In this beginner’s guide to resin art, we will discuss the materials you will need and the tools you will need to start creating your own pieces. We will also cover some common techniques and help you find inspiration for your next project.

What is Resin Art?

Resin art is a popular medium that can be made with a variety of materials and tools. It’s often created using a mold or cast to create the desired shape, and then resin is poured over the top to form the finished product. There are many different ways to create resin art, so it’s best to get started by learning about the different materials and tools available.

For most people, starting out with resin art means choosing between two main materials: polymer clay or silicone molds. Both these materials can be used to create three-dimensional objects, but they each have their own strengths and weaknesses. Polymer clay is great for creating delicate pieces that can be decorated with stamps or other artist supplies, but it’s not as durable as silicone molds and takes more time to work with. Silicone molds are more resistant to damage and can be used to create very sturdy pieces, but they’re also less flexible than polymer clay and may require additional steps (like vacuum pressing) to make them properly durable.

Once you’ve decided which material you want to use, there are a few other things you’ll need before getting started on your project: some kind of casting material (such as plaster or wax), an oven or stovetop burner capable of reaching high temperatures (typically around 500 degrees Fahrenheit), an extractor fan (to help remove any excess resin from the mold before it sets), some kind of non-toxic sealant (like Vaseline), and an artist

Materials and Tools You’ll Need

Materials and Tools You’ll Need

To create resin art, you will need the following materials and tools:

-Resin pellets or drops

-A mixing bowl

-A syringe or dropper

-Paintbrush or other artist’s tool of choice

-Hot glue gun and glue sticks

-Plastic wrap or newspaper to protect your work surface

-Ruler or measuring tape

-Clothespins (for holding the object down while it cures)

-Scissors (for cutting plastic wrap)

-Lighter or match

How to Make a Resin Cast

In this beginner’s guide to resin casting, we’ll show you how to make a cast of your own original artwork using readily available materials and tools.

What You’ll Need:

-Resin material (a variety of colors and textures is available at art supply stores)

-Paint or other medium to fill the cast with

-Scissors or a craft knife

-Casting molds (available online and at art supply stores; choose a shape that best represents your artwork)

-Hot water bottle or heating pad

How to Make a Resin Blob

Making a resin blob is a great way to start learning about how resin works and how to create your own art. You will need some basic materials and tools, and the process is simple.

You will need:


-Paint or other medium

-Thin plastic sheeting or plastic wrap

-Stir stick or other tool for mixing resin

-Container for storage (optional)

1. Start by mixing your resin with the stir stick. You can use any type of paint or medium, but acrylics work well because they are water soluble. If you are using oil paint, be sure to clean your hands and work surface thoroughly before starting so that the paint doesn’t ruin your resin. Once you have a good mixture, add more resin if needed to make a thick slurry. It should be enough to cover the bottom of a container when mixed well.

There are a few ways to find polymer clay supplies around you:

  1. Local Art Supply Stores: Check your local art supply stores, as many of them carry a variety of polymer clay brands and related supplies. You can use search engines like Google or Yelp to find art supply stores near you.
  2. Craft Stores: Craft stores like Michaels, Jo-Ann Fabrics, and Hobby Lobby often have a dedicated section for polymer clay and other sculpting supplies. Check their websites to see if they have any in-store stock available or order online for curbside pickup or delivery.
  3. Online Retailers: Online retailers like Amazon, Etsy, and Polymer Clay Superstore offer a wide range of polymer clay brands and supplies that can be delivered directly to your door.
  4. Polymer Clay Guilds: Check if there are any local polymer clay guilds or groups in your area. These groups often have meetings and events where members can share tips and resources, as well as swap supplies.
  5. Social Media: Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram can also be a great resource for finding polymer clay supplies around me and connecting with other artists in your area. Look for local artist groups or search relevant hashtags to find people and resources in your community.

Overall, there are many resources available for finding polymer clay supplies near you. Don’t be afraid to reach out to other artists and groups in your community for advice and reommendations.

How to Finish Your Work

If you’re a beginner looking to dabble in resin art, there are a few things you’ll need before you get started. In this article, we’ll outline the different materials and tools that you’ll need to create beautiful pieces of resin art.

First and foremost, resin is a popular medium for artists because it’s easy to work with and relatively affordable. You can find various types of resin at your local craft store or online retailer.

Next, you’ll need some tools to help you create your artwork. A spoon is an essential tool for stirring your resin while you’re working. You may also want a pot or dish to pour the mixture into, as well as some tweezers or needle-nose pliers to help remove parts of the sculpture once it’s finished.

Finally, make sure to have plenty of light when working with resin. This medium is notorious for causing shadows if the light isn’t correctly positioned. If possible, try to set up your workspace so that there’s light coming in from several directions.

the authorAlexiaMargolin